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"The confidence arises that we have successfully interacted with a large and recognized institution like YDSF," said Sukamto open the conversation. First of all he gave the impression to YDSF that by giving confidence to MI Bina Bangsa as Pena Bangsa School has helped his institution to be more trusted by the community and especially its student guardian. Through the Deputy Head Madrasah, Sukamto, who at that time met us. YDSF is not only limited to provide programs but also take care and provide assistance in the form of material to the madrasah.

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How not, the impression conveyed from the guardian of the students and the surrounding community that they think is something extraordinary because suddenly the school that once existed not counted now has had measurable programs. Since successfully mapped YDSF as Pena Bangsa School, he admitted that the success of the election of MI Bina Bangsa has increased confidence for this madrasah.

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